now everyone basically talks about gay..
well almost everyday people talk bout being a gay, having gay friends..
well what the hell..
bia laaa kat org2 sebegitu...
let them have their own life..
it's not our problem pun kalo dorg convert jadik gay..
bukan susah kat kite pun kalo dorg convert..
xde la plak kes org juta2 mati coz adam lambert gan ricky martin 2 admit gay...
cess what is the big deal..
let them be themselves laa..
yg kita nk sibuk2 pesal...??
i'm not confessing myself as a gay but then let the gays do their own part n contribute to the society...
well dorg nie bukan teruk mane smpi korghina dorg..
at least dorg 2 xder la plak bunuh2 n buang baby...
alaa kalo korg nk taw population gay nie daa berkembang laa weyt..
mane laki jambu korg tgk kat umemane tu not 100% straight..
might be gay..
all of this is just bcoz dorg nie confused bout their sexual orientation jer..
jijik sgt ke korg tgk dorg nie??
ade dorg wat aksi2 'gay' kat dpan korg ker??
well as far as i see xpnah lak sexual harrassment involving gays..
but~ islam larang la hubungan sejenis~ x menghina mereka pon..but we as muslim must know which is right kan~ hehe
ak taw mane btul but then pe kate kte bia je dorg nie wat hal sniri..
it's better that way..
kalau kaco kang kite jadik sket aty..
mmg lahh its better to ignore them. tp kau kne fhm dedel oiii. kita sbg umat Islam, ptot lahh tegur. ingt tak? perbuatan, mata, hati, pancaindera, ustat hamzah? hahaha but kalau pikir2 plak, tegur kang dy plak sepak kte. soo, konklusinye. kau jgn amik taw. hahaha.
haaa..that the better way~ hehe.. ;)
aku ingt ko tulis sal maknyah kat taiping tadi..rupanya sal gay~ hehe
efa: hahaha 2 ak cakp wat dunno jer..lain laa kiter nie jakim per mende..
da jd responsibility kte..
mimi: ak pasl mak nyah 2 mas nk cte sini coz memg geli...
weyh, bahaya kot glgn nih.
member aku kena raba kot dgn diorang waktu nak tidur.
sian member aku tuh. >.<"
lee: haha memg cian member ko 2..
my condolences to him..hahahaha
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