Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preparation to sarawak...

let me give y'all some sneak peek to my preparations b4 goin to sarawak..
three things are not ready that is my white shirt, my flight ticket (hell yes that ticket is important) and myself..

ni antara longgokan baju xberlipat coz malas...
(biasalaa bujang)

ni merupakan bungkusan nk bawak baju ke swak..
haha ni laa luggage..

hurrmm ni pun longgokan baju gak..abaikan..

lagi longgokan baju..

don't say i pemalas nk lipat baju..
prove that i am rajin....hahaha

ni kotak nk isi kasut2.. 


Anonymous said...

wahh, itu dia... sudah mau gerak kaa? ;p
good luck, my pal.
do struggle like hell in sarawak!

Aidyll Shah said...

err ak masih menunggu MARA..
haha kul 4 nie decision r sama ada ak g swak o not..
do pray the best 4 me..:p