Monday, November 21, 2011
Kau tahu apa
Kau tu dah la duduk asrama 5 tahun..aku ni lagi tahu la perangai org dekat dunia network kau ni restricted terhadap member seasrama kau je...come on la..kau jadi bagus sbb komuniti sini ramai sekolah asrama cam kau..kalau dgn perangai kau sumpah kau xboleh survive dkt luar...mungkin kau dah biasa buat macam tu, tapi sorry la..try and think for a moment that your G.D rules tu apply masa sekolah je...booooo
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Kepalatan member
Fine la kau memang kesukaan orang ramai..
Semua orang suka kau sebab mulut kau mcm buntut ayam..xleh senyap..
Kau buatkan semua orang tertipu dgn perangai buruk kau..kau punya palat punya lah minta org senyap2...bila org lain salah sikit kau pegi canang dkt semua orang..kau bising2...kau sangat gelabah...kalau dah excited sgt, kau jadi la...lagi satu, org mmg jenis senyap n xkisah kau nak buat apa..xkisah la kau nak pijak kepala ke apa..tapi ingat kita dkt dunia ni melabur saham di akhirat..kalau kau duduk n pikir apa kau dah buat, aku harap kau sedar
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Kekusutan Melampau
Firstly aku mmg kusut gila n serabut gila pala otak ni bab2 repeat nie..
sial doe xtau mana nak grab hold..
sume benda dah lupa..nmpk2 cam study utk exam je..
harapan kalau repeat ni nk dpt A..
tp susah kot..aku nie PEMALAS!!
ok Aidyll, kau rajin..
Friday, July 15, 2011
Kalau tengok juniors2 yag baru masuk kat KTT ni teringat cam aku masa masuk dulu..
blur2 gitu masa masuk...
Muka confim terperanjat beruk tgo keadaan KTT yg agak cikai dari kolej lain..
masuk2 je buat friendly pastu haram xbertegur dah..
Menggelabah cari buku2 nk complete collection buku A-level...
well korang xtau lagi lifestyle kat KTT nie..
Be as quiet as you can be..
and then u'll survive..
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Never Dance Alone
Kalau setakat nak buat havoc baik tak payah.
Kau buat orang lain muak je tengok kau.
Dah tu kau bajet kau pegang...?
Kalau nak sangat, asal tak mengaku dulu?
Main cakap belakang macam cik pon la..
Just say it face-to-face.
I can accept the fact.
But then once you've did it like this, now I know that you're a total JERK!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Firstly, muka kau sumpah macam Chewbacca..
kalau kau xtau benda ape chewbacca tu, kau pegi google sendiri..
Dah enough throwing tantrums...
I've really wanted to go to Arsenal's Asia Tour..
Ticket bapak mahal..
hopefully kakak support..hoho
I've really wanted to buy a new set of amp..
yg lama dah rosak sbb asik buat speaker PC..
kakak tersayang, tolong la blanja marshall satu..hoho
I've really wanted to go to Czech Republik...
Better la drpd Aussie or Indonesia or Twinning Programme..
Please make it easier for me to go there hopefully..
I've really wanted to be a better person..
sumpah nak jadi baik la sial..
xnak la buat benda2 jahat..
lpas ni tekad la nak study..hoho
Friday, May 13, 2011
Ehh korang..
jgn la seronok sangat sebab korg da x bound dgn India..
korang tau x sbenarnye nasib korg lg teruk..
now 'dorg' buat prinsip sape excel dapat llaa fly..
jgn la nak seronok sbb kite blum tau pun lagi result camne..
jgn berangan la nak fly sbb placing kite now kene rebut dgn bdak2 scholar 'dorg' dari kolej lain..
let's just think of the worst case scenario that kite maybe blaja dkt indon or xfly lgsg pun..
maybe korg cakap ni macam org xberwawasan, sebab kalau korg dapat 20 points baru boleh je nak cakap pape..
now dgn AS pun xlepas2 lagi, better duduk diam, fokus dan stop berangan2..
kalau da dpt result ok, baru kau berangan2..
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
freakin 19
I'm freakin 19 and still living.
Praise to Allah cause now I'm older and really hope that I can make decisions.
I admit that I've been really IMMATURE for the past 19 years of my life.
Hopefully now I can repent from all the sins and be a grown person.
Hopefully I can manage myself and gain the fact that next year I'm 20.
No more "teen" in my age.
The old feel is just making us feel stupid for what you've done over the years.
Now I will open my eyes and make a hell better life than before.
Hope YOU will guide me.
Help me please.
All praises to YOU.
Monday, April 18, 2011
GTH la weii
I don’t really care bout all of the things you’ve done or said.
You’ve treated people with less dignity and you treat them with no respect.
And yet you expect people to respect you..
All I can say is that with all of your attitude, you can GTH!
A person like you is not worthy at all to be a person.
It’s better that you become an animal rather than being a person.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Really living in a community is like a hell..
I'd prefer living alone and have no one bother me..
The fuck with all the world and it' just me against the world..
I've had enough..!
Monday, March 21, 2011
fine women make my day
WonderWoman, I love you so much..
I had an epiphany about you n never met a person like you.
I wish I could just say' hi' to you and you would say 'hi' back to me..
Wish that I can see u again...!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
black label
maybe the way i label the chicks nowadays are quite harsh..
black labelling people is not very appealing to some people..
but heed my advice, we need to protect our dignity from being played with..
well the black label given is for the people who really treat their dignity just like a chewing gum..
GTH with the fake things and just be yourself..
we just wanna know that the beauty is not just a msak..
well that's all..
fuda fuda pen
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
mortified and stupefied by numbers.
Well 2010 has already left a mark that made my life swapped and turned upside-down..
1. Travel all across Malaysia with my mom
2. Had a wonderful raya at kuantan with all my cousins.
3. SPM result was not as I hoped.
4. KTT and the first few months was like pffttt..but then it went good and i enjoyed it here..
5. Knowing the hardship of living alone.
6. Had my first failure in life.
7. had the first KTM ride ever.
8. Felt the hardship of travelling 'balik kampung'.
9. Lots of swears had left my mouth and I'm not proud at all
10. Tried 'ketupat sotong' in Terengganu and ended up shitting up till' the end of journey.
1. Travel all across Malaysia with my mom
2. Had a wonderful raya at kuantan with all my cousins.
3. SPM result was not as I hoped.
4. KTT and the first few months was like pffttt..but then it went good and i enjoyed it here..
5. Knowing the hardship of living alone.
6. Had my first failure in life.
7. had the first KTM ride ever.
8. Felt the hardship of travelling 'balik kampung'.
9. Lots of swears had left my mouth and I'm not proud at all
10. Tried 'ketupat sotong' in Terengganu and ended up shitting up till' the end of journey.
Hopefully 2011 will be nice on me. opes and dream? Well
1. 15 points for AS.
2. Quit swearing and substitute with motivational words.
3. Call my mom everyday.
4. Start saving money.
5. Persuade my mom so I can go and see my sister.
6. Take my mom to penang. All-expenses-paid trip.
7. Go to Korea with my housemates
8. Buy my mom a book everytime I go home.
9. Cherish for each day I've lived.
10. Never leaving the solat.
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