Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i'm not as rich as them..
dont expect me to spend like them..
i'm just a normal lower middle-class people..
my mum doesn't work..soo don't expect me to loiter my money at things i don't agree to spend....

Friday, August 13, 2010

asal xpuas ati..??

asal x puas ati nie..?
jom settle one-on-one laa...
ak taw maybe xde org penah bg layanan camtu kt ko..
yg ko nk jelez sgt pesal..??
yg ko nk pertikaikan asal..??
ok laa fine ak taw ko memg cemburu..
xpayah nk guna org lain nk tanya..
don't be a pussy n ask someone else...
ada otak, da boleh fikir, matang, n yet still acting like a bunch of spastic kids...
get over yourself la..
jgn bajet diri tu bgus sgt...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

yesterday memg fucked...dgn tersilap timing class...so s0rry t0 all13 c0z made ur life hectic yesterday...